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- Act of the German Confederation (13th article)
- Act of the German Confederation (6th article)
- Act of the German Confederation (Bundesakte)
- Act of the German Confederation (Bundesakte) (see also Congress and Treaty of Vienna)
- Afghanistan
- Africa (see also Angra Pequena; Boers; Cameroon; Cape Colony; Congo; Delagoa Bay; East Africa; German South West Africa; South African Republic; Togo)
- agrarian party
- agriculture
- agriculture (see parties, agrarian party; peasantry)
- Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen)
- Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) (see Congress of)
- Albania
- Albion: A Weekly Chronicle
- Alexandria
- Algiers
- Allgemeine Deutsche Bürgerzeitung
- Allgemeine Politische Annalen
- Allgemeine Zeitung
- Allgemeiner Anzeiger
- Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein
- Alsace-Lorraine
- Alsen (Als)
- Altenburg
- Altona
- Alvensleben Convention
- Amatongaland (Tongaland)
- America (see United States of America)
- amnesty
- anarchism/nihilism
- Angeln, district of
- Anglesey
- Anglophobia/anti-British sentiments (See Great Britain, and Germany)
- Angra Pequena (Lüderitz Bay)
- Anhalt-Dessau
- Anhalt-Köthen incident
- anti-Semitism (see Jews)
- Anti-Socialist Laws and measures
- Anti-Socialist Laws and measures, subversion bill (Umsturzvorlage)
- Antwerp
- Antwerp
- Antwerp, Universal Peace Congress
- Apenrade (Åbenrå)
- apprentices
- Arab-Tabia
- Archbishop of Cologne, arrest of (see Droste zu Vischering, name index)
- architecture
- Arenberg
- Armenia
- Armistice of Malmö
- army and military affairs and public disturbance (vol 2 only)s
- army and military affairs of Austria
- army and military affairs of Baden
- army and military affairs of Bavaria
- army and military affairs of France
- army and military affairs of German Confederation/ central power
- army and military affairs of German Empire (see also army bills)
- army and military affairs of Great Britain
- army and military affairs of Hamburg
- army and military affairs of Hanover
- army and military affairs of Hesse-Darmstadt
- army and military affairs of Prussia
- army and military affairs of Russia
- army and military affairs of Saxony
- army and military affairs of Württemberg
- army and military affairs (see also Franco-Prussian War; Austro-Prussian War):
- army and military affairs, German military criminal procedure/penal code
- army bills (Imperial Military Law / Septennat)
- Arolsen
- Aschaffenburg
- Asperg
- assassinations (attempts)
- Association of the Polish People
- Athens
- Athens
- Augsburg
- Augsburg (see Protestants, Confession of Augsburg)
- Augsburger Postzeitung
- Australia
- Austria and Customs Union
- Austria and France
- Austria and German Empire (see also Dual Alliance)
- Austria and Great Britain
- Austria and Italy/Italian provinces
- Austria and Russia
- Austria and Schleswig-Holstein
- Austria and secondary German states
- Austria, Assembly of estates
- Austria, commerce and finances
- Austria, Concordat
- Austria, constitution
- Austria, declining role in Germany (vol 2 only)
- Austria, Imperial Diet
- Austria, ministry
- Austria, movement of March 1848
- Austria, nationalities/ conflicts
- Austria, October revolution of 1848
- Austria, population figures
- Austria, provinces/crown lands (see also Bohemia, Galicia, Lombardy-Venetia, Lower Austria; Silesia)
- Austria, provincial diets
- Austria, Reichsrat (council)
- Austria, Reichsrat (parliament)
- Austria, Sicherheitsausschuss
- Austria, state of empire
- Austria[-Hungary] (see also army and military affairs; Austro-Prussian antagonism; Austro-Prussian War; Bohemia; Hungary; League of the Three Emperors):
- Austro-Prussian antagonism/relationship
- Austro-Prussian convention of 1849 (see federal commission)
- Austro-Prussian War