Index of Subjects and Places |
- Babenhausen
- Bad Ischl
- Baden
- Baden (see also army and military affairs)
- Baden and Austria
- Baden and Bavaria
- Baden and Customs Union
- Baden and German Empire (see also German Empire: November Treaties; reserved rights)
- Baden and Prussia
- Baden and Württemberg
- Baden (Austria)
- Baden (see also army and military affairs):
- Baden, chambers
- Baden, constitution
- Baden, ministry
- Baden, movement of March 1848
- Baden, press law
- Baden, question
- Baden, religion and religious policy (Kaiserreich vols only)
- Baden, revolutionary party
- Baden, uprising of 1849 / revolutionary government
- Baden, uprising of April 1848
- Baden, uprising of September 1848
- Baden-Baden
- Balkan crisis (see also Russo-Turkish War)
- Balmoral
- Baltic
- Bamberg
- Bamberg Conference and Coalition
- Banat
- banks/stock exchange
- Basle
- Battle of Dennewitz
- Battle of Jena
- Battle of Waterloo
- Bautzen
- Bavaria
- Bavaria and Austria
- Bavaria and France
- Bavaria and German Empire (see also German Empire: November Treaties; reserved rights)
- Bavaria and Great Britain
- Bavaria and Greek succession
- Bavaria and Prussia (from vol 3 only)
- Bavaria and Russia
- Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein Question
- Bavaria (see also army and military affairs):
- Bavaria, and France
- Bavaria, and Württemberg (see Württemberg)
- Bavaria, budget/finances
- Bavaria, chambers
- Bavaria, civil list
- Bavaria, commerce and industry
- Bavaria, commissioners of circles
- Bavaria, Concordat
- Bavaria, constitution
- Bavaria, Council of State (Geheimer Rat, Staatsrat)
- Bavaria, customs/ and Customs Union
- Bavaria, diplomatic relations (Kaiserreich vols only)
- Bavaria, Genuflexion Ordinance
- Bavaria, ministry
- Bavaria, movement of February and March 1848
- Bavaria, press law (vol 2 only)
- Bavaria, regency (see also name index: Luitpold)
- Bavaria, religion and religious policy (Kaiserreich vols only)
- Bavaria, revolutionary movements (vol 2 only)
- Bavaria, role in Germany
- Bavaria, unpopularity of Ludwig I (vol 2 only)
- Bayerische Patriotenpartei
- Bayerische Staatszeitung
- Bayerische Zeitung
- Bayerischer Kurier
- Bayerisches Volksblatt
- Bayreuth
- Beaumont, battle of
- Bedford
- Belfort
- Belfort
- Belgium
- Belgium, revolution of 1830
- Berg
- Berg, castle
- Berlin
- Berlin, British embassy (Kaiserreich vols only)
- Berlin, conference of naval experts
- Berlin, Congress/Treaty of
- Berlin, convention (see also mixed marriages)
- Berlin, Democratic Congress
- Berlin, exhibition for German industry
- Berlin, garrison
- Berlin, miners’ congress
- Berlin, police
- Berlin, Princes’ conference (Fürstentag, 1850)
- Berlin, riots
- Berlin, Schiller festival
- Berlin, storming of the arsenal
- Berlin, university (Vols 1 & 2 only)
- Berlin, West Africa Conference
- Berlin, Zollverein conferences
- Berliner Börsen-Courier
- Berliner Freie Presse
- Berliner Politische Nachrichten
- Berliner Rundschau
- Berliner Tageblatt
- Berne
- Bessarabia
- Biebrich
- Bielefeld
- Bildungsverein für Arbeiter
- Bingen
- Birmingham
- Bismarck Archipelago
- Black Sea
- Blankenburg
- Blaubeuren
- Blue/White Books and state papers
- Board of Trade
- Boers
- Bohemia
- Bologna
- Bombay
- Bonn
- Bonn university (vol 1 only)
- Bosnia
- Brandenburg (Prussian provincial state)
- Brandenburg (Prussian provincial state), diet
- Brazil
- Bregenz
- Bregenz, Schutz- und Trutzbündnis
- Bremen
- Bremen Journal
- Breslau (Wroclaw)
- Bretten
- Brisgau
- Bronzell
- Bruchsal
- Brunswick
- Brunswick succession question
- Brussels
- Budapest (see also Pest)
- Bulgaria, Bulgarian crisis
- Bund der Landwirte
- Bundestag (see Diet of the German Confederation)
- Bürgerverein für Freiheit und Ordnung
- Burgher Guard (see militia)
- Burschenschaften (see students)
- Buxtehude