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- factories (see industry)
- famine (Ireland)
- Faulquemont
- Federal Act of the German Confederation (see Act of the German Confederation)
- federal commission (Bundeszentralkommission)
- Federal Council (Bundesrat)
- Federal Council (Bundesrat), blocking minority
- Federal reform
- Filehne
- Finland
- Finland
- Five-Power-Conference (Quintuple Alliance)
- Flensburg
- Florence
- Flushing
- food, riots/shortages
- fortifications/forteresses
- Four King’s Alliance
- France
- France (see also army and military affairs; Rhine crisis)
- France and German Affairs (see also individual German states Alsace Lorraine; Franco-Prussian War; Sedan, battle of’; War-in-Sight’ crisis)
- France and Great Britain
- France and Italy
- France and revolutionary movements in Germany
- France and Russia (Kaiserreich vols only)
- France and Schleswig-Holstein crisis
- France (see also army and military affairs):
- France, fear of
- France, government/domestic affairs (Kaiserreich vols only)
- France, Napoleonic Wars
- France, Revolution of 1789
- France, Revolution of 1830
- France, Revolution of February 1848
- France, territorial ambitions/expansion
- France, war of revenge (Kaiserreich I only)
- franchise/ electoral laws, universal suffrage
- franchise/electoral laws (see also elections)
- Franconia
- Franco-Prussian commercial treaty (see Customs Union)
- Franco-Prussian War (see also France, war of revenge; Frankfurt, treaty of)
- Franco-Prussian War, POWs
- Franco-Prussian War, war indemnity
- Frankfurt (am Main)
- Frankfurt (am Main) and Customs Union
- Frankfurt (am Main) and Federal Diet/military occupation
- Frankfurt (am Main), Deutscher Abgeordnetentag
- Frankfurt (am Main), Princes’ conference (Fürstentag)
- Frankfurt (am Main), riots/ disturbances
- Frankfurt (am Main), Schützenfest
- Frankfurt (am Main), trade fair
- Frankfurt (am Main), treaty of (1871)
- Frankfurt (am Main), Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with Britain
- Frankfurt (am Main), Wachensturm (Storming of the Guard House)
- Frankfurt (Oder)
- Frankfurt Basic Rights (Grundrechte),
- Frankfurt National Assembly
- Frankfurt National Assembly (see also Stuttgart Rump Parliament)
- Frankfurt National Assembly, and Armistice of Malmö
- Frankfurt National Assembly, composition/ factions
- Frankfurt National Assembly, elections
- Frankfurt National Assembly, offer of imperial crown to King of Prussia
- Frankfurt National Assembly, Pre-Parliament
- Frankfurt National Assembly, Pre-Parliament (see also Committee of Fifty)
- Frankfurt National Assembly, supreme authority/ enforcement of constitution
- Frankfurter Journal
- Frankfurter Postzeitung
- Frankfurter Zeitung
- Fränkische Tagespost
- Fredericia
- free trade
- freedom of assembly
- Freiberg
- Freiburg im Breisgau
- Freiheit
- Freikonservative Partei / Reichspartei
- Freising
- Freisinnige Zeitung
- Fremden-Blatt
- Friedberg
- Friedheim incident
- Friedrichshafen
- Friedrichsruh
- Friedrichstadt (Frederikstad)
- Friends of the Light (Lichtfreunde)
- Fuchsmühl
- Fulda
- Fundamental Law (see Frankfurt Basic Rights)
- Fünen (Fyn)
- Fürstenberg