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- Paderborn
- Palatinate (Pfalz)
- Palatinate of Hungary
- Pall Mall Gazette
- Panjdeh district
- Pardubice
- Paris (not vol 1)
- Paris, congress and treaty of 1856
- Paris, declaration on maritime law
- Paris, international monetary conference
- Paris, International Workers’ Congress
- Paris, La Commune
- Paris, World's Fair of 1878
- parties (see agrarian party; Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein; Bayerische Patriotenpartei; Christlich-Soziale Arbeiterpartei; Deutsche Fortschrittspartei; Deutsche Freisinnige Partei; Deutsche Volkspartei; Deutschkonservative Partei; Freikonservative Partei; Kartell der Ordnungsparteien; Katholische Volkspartei; Liberale Vereinigung; Nationalliberale Partei; Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei; Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands; Zentrumspartei)
- parties/political associations (vol iv only)
- Passports
- Patriotische Gesellschaft
- Peace of Berlin (1850)
- Peace of Dresden (1745)
- Peace of Lunéville
- Peace of Paris (First and Second)
- Peace of Posen
- Peace of Villafranca
- Peace of Westphalia
- Peace of Zurich
- peasantry/farmers (see also agriculture)
- Pemba
- Perleberg
- Persia
- Pest
- Pest (see also Budapest)
- Pester Lloyd
- Peterswaldau
- petitions
- Pfaffenhofen
- Philippopolis (Plovdiv)
- physicians
- Piedmont-
- Pillnitz
- Pirna
- Plauen
- Plochingen
- Podgorze
- Poland, rising (1863)
- Poland/ Poles/ Polish party
- police and prisons
- Politische Korrespondenz
- Politisches Wochenblatt
- Pomerania
- Pomerania (Prussian provincial state)
- Poor Law (Britain)
- poor relief
- Pope
- Pope (see also Holy See; and name index: Pius IX (Pope 1846-1878); Leo XIII (Pope 1878-1903)
- population figures/statistics
- Portsmouth
- Portugal
- Portugal
- Posen (Prussian provincial state)
- Posen (town)
- Posen, Peace of
- Post
- postal services (see also telegraph)
- postal services, postage, couriers and communications
- potato blight
- Poti
- Potsdam
- Potsdam
- Potsdam
- Prague
- Prague Peace of (1866)
- Pre-Parliament (Frankfurter Vorparlament 1848)
- press and journalism
- press and journalism (see also newspapers)
- press and journalism, censorship/regulation of
- press and journalism, federal resolution on the press
- press and journalism, Imperial Press Law
- press and journalism, semi-official/inspired press (reptiles)
- Press- und Vaterlandsverein
- Pretoria
- Pretoria convention
- Preungesheim
- Preußische Jahrbücher
- Preußische Wochenblatt
- Preußischer Staatsanzeiger
- prices/inflation (vol 2 & 4 only)
- Progressive Party (Fortschrittspartei)
- prostitution
- protectionism
- Protestants, Calvinistic Church
- Protestants, Chapter of Brandenburg
- Protestants, Church of England services
- Protestants, Confession of Augsburg (Confessio Augustana)
- Protestants, Evangelical Church
- Protestants, heresy within
- Protestants, Herrnhuthers
- Protestants, in Saxony
- Protestants, Lutheran Church
- Protestants, Neologism
- Protestants, Pietists
- Protestants, Reformed Church
- Protestants, seminaries
- Protestants, Socinianism
- Protestants/ Lutherans
- Provinzial Correspondenz
- Prussia (see also army and military affairs; Austro-Prussian antagonism; Austro-Prussian War; Franco-Prussian War; Brandenburg; East Prussia; Pomerania; Posen; Rhine province; Saxony; Silesia; Westphalia; West Prussia)
- Prussia and Austria
- Prussia and France
- Prussia and German Confederation (vol 2 only)
- Prussia and German Empire
- Prussia and German Empire (see also Prussian supremacy)
- Prussia and Great Britain
- Prussia and Russia
- Prussia and Schleswig-Holstein
- Prussia and secondary German states
- Prussia, chambers
- Prussia, constitution
- Prussia, court party
- Prussia, Customs Law of 26 May 1818
- Prussia, finances and economics (vol 1 only)
- Prussia, imperial crown
- Prussia, military reforms (vol4 only)
- Prussia, ministry/council of state
- Prussia, movement of March 1848
- Prussia, National Assembly
- Prussia, New Era
- Prussia, provincial diets/estates
- Prussia, Prussian supremacy
- Prussia, religion and religious policy (Kaiserreich vols only; see also May Laws; Kulturkampf)
- Prussia, Städteordnung (town laws)
- Prussia, territorial expansion/ambitions (Vol 4 only)
- Prussia, United Diet (Vereinigter Landtag)
- Prussia, Usury Laws
- Prussian Union (see Erfurt Union)
- Prusso-Bavarian League
- public disturbances (see riots)
- public opinion/popular feeling
- Puerto Rico
- Punch
- Punjab